CC Diagnostics recognises the preventability of cervical cancer in women

Cervical cancer is a worldwide problem, but with regular and decent screening it is mostly preventable since  with regular screening, the early precancerous changes in cervical cells can be detected and treated. We have the goal to improve this screening by making it more accurate and easier for women to participate.

Novel methylation test kit for the epigenetic detection of early stage cervical cancer

We are going to do this by implementing a new diagnostic test aiming at methylated genes, making use of PCR-technology. This test will replace the current triage test, the PAP-test. The methylation test is more accurate, bringing missed cancer cases from 24% to 3%, and reducing false-positives which would save €2.9M in yearly healthcare costs in the Netherlands alone.


For the development of the test kit, CC Diagnostics works in cooperation with partners specialised in technical kit development, assay validation, clinical trials and performing pilot tests.


The management team of CC Diagnostics consists of Ronald Vos (CEO) and Nutte van Belzen (CMO).

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